
Treatment for Psoriasis in New City, NY

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease that causes red, itchy, and scaly patches to form along your body. This commonly occurs on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. Psoriasis tends to appear in cycles and comes out with flare-ups. There is no cure for psoriasis, but there are ways that you can manage your symptoms with different forms of treatments and start feeling comfortable in your skin again.

Managing Your Psoriasis

Everyone may experience different signs and symptoms of psoriasis and severity will vary from person to person. Some of the common signs associated with psoriasis include:

  • Red, scaly patches of skin.
  • Dry, cracked skin that can itch or bleed.
  • Itching or soreness.
  • Swollen or stiffness in the joints.
  • Thickened or ridged nails.

The areas that are most commonly affected include the lower back, knees, legs, scalp, palms, elbows, and face. A breakout can range anywhere from small patches to larger areas covered in breakouts. Psoriasis can be dormant for months before a flare-up that can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Treating Your Psoriasis

When you’re dealing with a psoriasis outbreak, you may be dealing with red patches of scaly skin, dry and cracked skin, itching, bleeding, or soreness. You may also experience swollen and stiff joints as well as issues with your skin.

Since there is no cure for psoriasis, treatment is focused on dealing with your symptoms. Treatment will depend on how severe your condition is and how responsive your body is to certain forms of treatment. You may need to try a combination of treatments to find the best solution for your lifestyle. 

When you do experience a flare-up, it’s important to get started on treatments to help keep your reaction to a minimum and stop it from being too irritated and spreading. The treatments your doctor prescribes will depend on the severity of your psoriasis, and you may need multiple different forms of treatment at a time.

There are topical forms of treatment that your doctor may recommend first. These will be different types of lotions that you’ll rub over the affected area to deal with dry skin and relieve some of the itchiness that you may be feeling. Oral medications may be used in conjunction with topical treatments. Oral medications help relieve soreness and inflammation that you may notice.

Another form of therapy for severe cases is light therapy. Exposing the skin to controlled sources of natural or artificial light can help ease some of your symptoms and help your body naturally heal.

Visit Your Podiatrist Today

If you’re dealing with psoriasis, it’s time to find out how you can start feeling comfortable in your skin again! Contact your dermatologist at Scott Sanders Dermatology at (845) 499-2017 to find out what form of psoriasis treatment may be best for you.

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